A Spring Collaboration with Textiles, Food, and Home
The textures, colors, smells, spaces, tastes, human connections were electric from this Istanbul collaboration with 3 fellow female entrepreneurs.

Why Every Season is Robe Season
I am on the forever mission to spread the good news that #robelife is the best life. And you can live that life in every season if you want to.

Flamingos Migrate to Turkey During the Winter
Yesterday, my personal trainer (and close friend), Digba invited Güven, the kids, and I to seek wild flamingos that have recently arrived from Southern Africa to hang out and feed during the winter. I actually didn’t really believe her but of course said yes to see what in the world she’s talking about.

3 Tips To A Happier Winter Season
As humans, we clench our muscles and tend to stay indoors and inactive to hide from the elements more than usual during the winter months. Incorporating these 3 tips into my daily routine has had such a beautiful impact on my life, I want to share it with you!

Intentional Living Ritual for The Homebody
Are you someone who likes to design your space and create an ambiance just to relax comfortably?

Cappadocia: Our Romantic Getaway
The day I met Güven in a mall in Cleveland, I went to Barnes and Noble and began researching Turkey. When he mentioned that is where he is from in our short introduction, I realized I knew absolutely nothing about that country. As a college educated and (what I considered) well traveled human, I was excited to learn his language, culture, and land.

A beautiful collaboration of friendship, love, and artistic vision dreamed and actualized this photoshoot for our Fall 2022 Lookbook featuring our newest Turkish Cotton Bathrobe: A Natural State.

LOOKBOOK / Summer 2022
We spent the summer on the Aegean and launched our newest robe collection: Kiss the Skin. It is designed to be a daily reminder to care for yourself luxuriously.

My Turkish Life: Limonata Recipe
It is essential to have something super cold and fresh from the land to drink to keep cool. Limonata is my go-to. Here’s how I make it..

How to Make Your Space More Homey
Whether you are preparing to go away to school this fall, or maybe you took a new traveling nurse assignment: making your new temporary home homey is important for a smooth and quicker transition.

Before you Buy your 1st Robe..
Good news. It’s never too late to become one. I know we all have that friend or family member who says that the robe life chose them, and that could be true. But it is also true that you could choose to live that robe life, too.

How to Use Your Turkish Towel | Mom Edition
If you’re here reading this blog, it probably isn’t your first time hearing about Turkish Towels. But you probably haven’t heard of these unconventional uses - I consider them my mom hacks!

Top 5 Favorite Gifts for 2022
I just know that you know someone (probably yourself?) that deserves something special while supporting small business. Here’s my Top 5 Favorite Things of 2022 (so far).

Family Biz + Life Blog Updates
Connecting with our Together Textiles community has always been one of my favorite things about our small biz. In person is preferable, but virtual will continue to play an important role as we travel back and forth from Turkey to the US.

We take photographs of happy times to store for later but the hard times take up a lot of mental storage. Traveling to the other side of the world with 3 kids under 5 years old during a pandemic isn’t easy. But once we rounded the corner of the last mountain obstructing our view of the sea, I felt the calm (My 2022 Word!) I’ve been seeking.

I am a very different person than I was in that photo working for JPMorgan. And my experience has lead me here. I have studied about the tradition, culture, and craftsmanship of our small business for the past 5 years and I’m thrilled to shift my focus to explore where we are taking it next.

Life Update: ONE WAY flights to Istanbul
We are relocating to Turkey to design our newest Turkish cotton robes and Turkish Towels! What does this mean for TOGETHER TEXTILES?

Life in the fast lane..
Currently raising 3 kids under 4 while growing a small business has been a whirlwind.

Let's start at the very beginning..
In Feb 2017, after losing both our jobs and our first born in a 3 month span, we started a passion project continuing Güven’s family business (in Turkey) and called it TOGETHER TEXTILES.